PersianSPH is an open-source C++ code based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. It is a multiphysics platform capable of coupling the dynamics of soils, fluids and structures in 2D and 3D. It includes elastic-plastic material behaviour, Von-Mises & Drucker-Prager yield surfaces, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, and interactions such as seepage flow. It is suitable for simulating post-failure behaviour, large deformation, rheology of solid materials, and particularly soil-water interaction. This code is a part of Maziar's PhD study, supervised by Prof A. Scheuermann and A/Prof S. Galindo-Torres, at the University of Queensland, Australia.
Gholami Korzani, M., Galindo-Torres, S. A., Scheuermann, A., & Williams, D. J. (2018). SPH approach for simulating hydro-mechanical processes with large deformations and variable permeabilities. Acta Geotechnica, 13(2), 303–316.
Gholami Korzani, M., Galindo-Torres, S. A., Scheuermann, A., & Williams, D. J. (2018). Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for investigating hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of an embankment under action of flooding and overburden loads. Computers and Geotechnics, 94, 31–45.
Gholami Korzani, M., Galindo-Torres, S. A., Scheuermann, A., & Williams, D. J. (2017). Parametric study on smoothed particle hydrodynamics for accurate determination of drag coefficient for a circular cylinder. Water Science and Engineering, 10(2), 143–153.
Gholami Korzani, M., Galindo-Torres, S. A., Williams, D., & Scheuermann, A. (2014). Numerical Simulation of Tank Discharge Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 553, 168–173.
Gholami Korzani, M., Galindo Torres, S., Scheuermann, A., & Williams, D. (2016). Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics into the Fluid Dynamics of Classical Problems. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 846, 73–78.
Some animations produced by PersianSPH are shown below. Additional animations can be found on PersianSPH YouTube Channel
Hydraulic heave failure
Von-Mises material failure
Embankment deformation due to seepage flow and overburden pressure
Slope fast failure due to seepage flow and phreatic surface evolution
Flow past a cylinder creating eddies
Fluid-structure interaction